Our school uniform is:
- White or bottle green polo shirt.
- Bottle green cardigan or sweatshirt.
- Black or grey trousers/shorts/skirts/pinafores.
- Flat black shoes, black boots or black trainers (easy fastening until they can tie their own laces).
- green gingham check summer dress (during Summer term and Autumn first half term).
Depending on the weather, children will also need:
- a sun hat and sun cream
- a raincoat
- a warm coat, hat and gloves
PE Kits
Two days a week, children come to school dressed in their PE kit and wear their kit all day.
- a school logo or plain T shirt in the house colour
- black shorts
- Trainers
- Plain black track suit - plain black zipped top / sweatshirt and plain black tracksuit joggers.
Hair which is longer than shoulder length must be tied back on PE days.
Earrings must be removed for PE lessons. Please ensure children can do this themselves or make sure earrings are not worn on PE days.
If you are planning to have your child’s ears pierced, please ensure this is done at the beginning of the summer holidays, so it does not interfere with curriculum PE.
All school clothing should be clearly named.
Make up/Hair/Temporary Tattoos
Make up, including nail varnish, is not permitted at Friar’s Grove.
In order to avoid the spread of head lice, we request that shoulder-length hair is tied back. Hair should be the pupil’s natural colour, with no extremes in style such as shaved heads (i.e a cut which is less than a number two), or shaved patterns in the hair.
Tattoos are not permitted.
These rules prepare children for the expectations at Secondary school.
Jewellery is not part of our school uniform and children should not wear items such as bracelets, rings or necklaces. Earrings should be stud only – no hooped or dangly earrings. If you are planning to have your child’s ears pierced please ensure it is done at the beginning of the summer holidays so it does not interfere with curriculum PE.