Friar’s Grove Lunch Menu
Children eat their lunches in the KS2 hall. They have the option of a freshly-prepared school meal with daily menus offering a selection of popular meals and catering for dietary requirements. Alternatively, children can bring a home packed lunch.
School Meals
In Reception, year 1 and year 2 school meals are free to all children under the Government’s Universal Free School Meals scheme, and we strongly encourage families to take up this option.
For children in year 3 and above, school meals cost £2.20 per day. Dinner money is paid in advance via our online system.
Even the fussiest eaters will eat more in the school environment than they might at home and it encourages them to try different food in a safe environment.
Packed lunches
The school promotes a healthy approach to food in order to support parents. We will try to encourage children to eat their packed lunches and to bring home their waste so that you can see what they have eaten. Let us know if they are not eating enough and we will keep an eye on them. No fizzy drinks are permitted and we recommend restricting foods that are high in fat, salt or sugar.
We are not a nut free school, but due to some children who attend Friar’s Grove Primary School having a severe allergy to nuts, we kindly request that you do not send your child to school with nuts, or products containing nuts in their packed lunches. This includes cereal bars, Nutella and peanut butter.