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Friar's Grove Primary School

Growing minds and hearts for a whole world of opportunity.

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Sports Premium

Please read the information below which gives details of our PE and Sport Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.

My vision for P.E. and Games, Friar's Grove Primary School

The Physical Education & School Sport Premium is funding allocated by the government purely to improve the quality of physical education and sport for all children. This is an exciting opportunity for us at Friar's Grove to ensure that P.E. and games provision is consistent across the year groups, appropriate to a wide range of abilities and extends to encourage all to become more active both within the curriculum and in extra-curricular activities.
At Friar's Grove we truly believe that all young people are entitled to benefit from a high quality physical education and there is significant evidence to show that this supports other learning right across the curriculum. I am particularly passionate about the part it can play in  school life and have seen on numerous occasions how it positively contributes to healthy and active lifestyles and emotional well-being, reduces poor behaviour, increases attendance and develops key skills such as leadership, confidence and social skills. High quality physical education and all the additional benefits can be a great cause of celebration.
With this in mind, I outline below some of the key aspects I want to address in this new role.

  • To ensure all year groups aim for 2 hours of physical activity per week.
  • To ensure a good balance of games, gymnastics, swimming, dance and athletic activities across the year groups, differentiated so all can achieve.
  • To increase the range of extra-curricular activities on offer.
  • To increase participation in competitive sport (through membership of our local consortium.)
  • To set up links with local sports clubs to encourage participation beyond the school curriculum.
  • To encourage more active playtimes, through the training of year 4 and 5 play leaders.
  • To lead the professional development of staff in the teaching of P.E. and games, through in-house training and team teaching and/or release of staff for training via outside agencies.

There may well be opportunities for enthusiastic parents and carers to volunteer to help with some of the above. Please approach the school as soon as possible if you feel you are able to help in any way.
In summary, my aim is to pass on my love of physical activity to the children of Friar’s Grove, ensuring all have a wide range of enjoyable opportunities that lead to life-long participation and general improvement in healthy lifestyles.


Matthew Johnstone


2024-2025 PE Premium Evidencing Document

2023-2024 PE Premium Evidencing Document

2022-2023 PE Premium Evidencing Document
