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Friar's Grove Primary School

Growing minds and hearts for a whole world of opportunity.

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New Parents

Welcome to Friends of Friar's Grove Schools.
I am currently the Chair of FoFGS and want to take this opportunity to welcome you to the school.
Although my daughter, Emily, is now all grown up I can still remember when she started school and that I had very little knowledge of the role of the PTA (as it was then). I therefore thought it would be helpful to provide you with some background.
Friends of Friar's Grove School is a registered Charity. Our aim is to raise, in a fun, innovative way, funds to support Friars Grove Primary School. The money we raise pays for the upkeep of the swimming pool, covers the costs of events like the Year 6 leavers disco – as well as purchasing items for the school which school funds could not cover.
Anyone, over the age of 18, can be a member of FoFGS – membership is not limited to those having a child at the school or being a member of staff, you simply need to live or work in the local community and have an interest in supporting Friars Grove Primary School.
Funds are raised at a various events – Summer and Christmas Fayres / Easter Egg Hunts / Penny Races / Adult Quiz and Bingo Nights / Ladies Pamper Evenings / Sponsored Walks / Valentines Disco / Non-Uniform Days. We are always exploring innovative and fun ways to raise money.
During the year we would appreciate your support on our non-uniform days where we look for donations of prizes for our Fayres / Egg Hunts – we also ask you to try to sell raffle tickets on our behalf. Most importantly we hope that you can come along and attend our events.
FoFGS is run by a committee (trustees). The committee cannot run events without additional help. All help, whether it is photocopying newsletters / helping set up or tidying away after events is greatly appreciated. For example,  half an hour of your time at our Summer Fayre would enable a committee member the opportunity to leave their stall and enjoy the event with their child.
If you would like to find out more please come along to one of our meetings, alternatively  email
I look forward to meeting you soon.
Martyn Mellis