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Friar's Grove Primary School

Growing minds and hearts for a whole world of opportunity.

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Wednesday 25th September @ 6pm

Wednesday 9th October @ 9.30am

Wednesday 23rd October @ 6pm

Tuesday 12th November @ 9.30am

Thursday 28th November @ 9.30am


To reserve your place, please contact the school office on Tel: 01206 843683 or email

Starting school at Friar’s Grove


When children start their school life at Friar’s Grove, we aim to establish our partnership with parents straight away. In our mission to be a truly inclusive school, we gather information which we believe will help us to establish a 360 degree profile of every pupil and we build positive relationships with families, so that we can work together in making their time here a success.


Admission Arrangements


Published admission number 2023/24: 60 pupils per year group

Capacity: 420

Number on roll September 2022: 405

Number on roll March 2023: 409


Please see the information below on how to apply for a place at our school. Essex County Council no longer send reminders to parents to apply for Reception school places and it is therefore the responsibility of parents to do so. In the Autumn and Spring terms we organise open days for prospective parents, in the hope that you can get to know us, our values and approaches, in order to help you make your decision. We realise that choosing a first school for your child is daunting and so we try to keep these events relaxed, friendly and informative.

Children in Reception are admitted full time in the Autumn term.

Applications need to be made for every child; there is no guarantee of a place if they have a sibling in school or live in the priority admission area.

In the event of oversubscription, places will be allocated using the following criteria in the order given:

  1. Looked After Children
  2. Children with a sibling attending the school
  3. Children living in the priority admissions area
  4. Remaining applications.

In the event of oversubscription within any of the above criteria, priority will be determined by straight line distance from home to school, those living closest being given the highest priority. Exceptional medical circumstances (supported by medical evidence) may override the above (other than looked after children).


How to apply for a place at Friar’s Grove Primary School


Families wishing to enrol their child in a Reception class for a September start or to make a mid-year move to Friar’s Grove into any year group should make an online application using the link below. We strongly suggest you visit the school before applying.

For any queries about the admission process please contact County admissions on 0345 603 7627. You can also give us a ring on 01206 843683, if you have any questions or would like to arrange a visit; we will do our best to help.


Please click below to see Friar's Grove Primary School's Prospectus 2023-24:

School Prospectus


How to apply:


Presentation: New Parents' Meeting June 2024
